Part 03
soffia's dream
3008 Search of the BLUE SUN
From the previous section: -
Soffia and her grandfather used to take people to Earth 004. That is to the Oracle galaxy. From her orcl-008743 plane.
Today's section:-
So soffia's plane, as well as all 1500 frozen humans and 600 frozen animals, contains DNA of 45 plants. So it's her responsibility to take this plane safely out of our galaxy as the beginning of a 96-year journey to Oracle. So far, 68 aircraft have already been sent from Earth to Oracle. The first passenger plane to reach the Oracle in 82 years. Now, soffia's plane left the Earth in just a week. The day her grandfather takes off, the same day.
Sophia is in the lounge at the moment. At the same time, a broadcast was made through the loudspeaker. "Report all commanders into room 27". So she got up and left the room. Suddenly, someone suddenly came to the door, but her hips were thrown away. Although Soffia saw his name cards and could not see his name and anything else, he came to realize that he was a middle-aged man. She stood up and proceeded to report to her work. Half the staff had already entered the room. At that time it was announced that the departure of the fleet due to an emergency would go to the oracle not earlier than the scheduled date. New dates were announced for all teams, with soffia down to 7 days and 2 days remaining. That means her plane will depart in 2 days. After all, she came to the ship home,
remembering her journey. Imagine it, she went to sleep.
Time has stopped, her heart has stopped for another nine seconds, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, all of the crew in front of her. White is unbelievable ....
Her plane is still flying. It will take a few more minutes for the plane to fully clear. Four round alarms are played. All the crew are face to face with a wave of dumb. She came forward with her young boy who was formerly her. He asked her if Soffia wasn't going to train today. She stared at him in amazement and the sound of the alarm was gone.
So let's see in the next section what happened to soffia's plane. Have a nice day till then .. !!!
I brought you the story
I am Dinuka
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